You then call the function that outputs the news feed specific items and lets you select them. 然后调用一个函数,输出这个新闻提要中的条目并让用户选择新闻条目。
In the example, we set the location of the machine, and then configure some specific items to monitor. 在此示例中,我们设置了计算机的位置,然后配置了一些要监视的特定项目。
Everyone seems to agree that configuration management covers the identification of items within a system and the controlled change of both specific items and the system as a whole. 大家似乎完全同意配置管理包括了鉴别系统条目和特定条目与系统的变化。
If a company dedicates its production resources to produce specific items, it doesn't need to pass along process information with work orders. 如果一个企业只将自己的生产资源用于生产特定产品,那么它就不需要随工作指令一起传送流程信息了。
We start with structural rule types, because these rules reflect specific items within a business data domain and these roughly reflect the business scope. 我们先处理结构化规则类型,因为这些规则反映业务数据领域中具体的项目,或者粗略地反映业务范围。
This template is used to create a Personal Journal database to keep notes, to create entries about specific items/ issues, and to classify the entries into meaningful categories. 这个模板用于创建保存笔记的PersonalJournal数据库、建立关于特定事项/问题的记录并把记录划分成有意义的类别。
Prof Kruger said on the other hand in prehistoric times men had to hunt for specific items which meant they had to be clinical in their approach like they are now with shopping. 克鲁格教授表示,从另一角度,史前时期的男性必须确定具体的猎物,这就意味着在此过程中,他们必须保持冷静客观,就如同他们如今购物时表现的那样。
There are several ways to find specific items on 11 Main. 在11Main上搜索特定种类的物品有多种方式。
For items can make selecting specific items easier. 可以使选择特定项目更加容易。
As you can see ﹐ even when Parish Councils were presented as a suggestion ﹐ it is now common practice in Parishes all over the world to have a team that the Parish Priest consults for specific items. 可以看到,即使堂区牧民议会在当时只是一个建议,现今已发展成在全球各地堂区中,设立让本堂神父谘询的团队,已是很普遍的情况。
It can be a clue to explain the phenomena that most women are able to memorise the position of some specific items in a room much better than men. 这种能力解释了为什么女性能够记住一个房间里物品各自的位置,而男性在这方面则逊色很多。
The storefront constructed will allow shoppers to view items displayed in lists or search for specific items in the store. 建设的店面允许购物者查看列表中显示的商品,或者在商店中搜索特定商品。
No omission is allowed and it of the greatest importance how to control quantities, expenditures and specific items. 决算不漏项,如何的在工程量、取费、子目等方面的控制最为关键。
Information about loans for specific items, such as auto purchases or tuition fees, is available at your request. 资讯贷款的具体项目,如汽车购买或学费,可在您的要求。
Special ultrasonic cleaning machine is usually installed in some specific items on the production line cleaned. 专用超声波清洗机一般安装在某些特定物件清洗的生产流水线上。
You can enable items from your activity's Options Menu to appear directly in the Action Bar as "action items" by adding showAsAction= "ifRoom" to specific items in your menu resource. 在你的菜单资源中增加showAsAction=”ifRoom”,可以使得选项菜单就像“活动项目”一样直接出现在ActionBar中。
When implementing relevant items, we should distinguish the character of the fact and the application of the law and conform to the pattern of applying the specific items firstly and then the principle items. 在法律条款的适用上,应区分事实属性与法律适用两种情况,遵循先具体条款再原则条款的适用模式。
Under this tax category are six specific items such as grain spirit, potato spirit, yellow rice and millet wine, beer, other wines and alcohol. 本税目下设粮食白酒、薯类白酒、黄酒、啤酒、其他酒、酒精六个子目。
Inline editing: Quick editing of specific items in the backlog allows users to make fast changes without going to a separate screen to perform edit functions. 行内编辑:对backlog中指定项目进行快速编辑,这让用户可以对其做出快速的改变,而不需要转到单独的页面去执行编辑功能。
Cache appropriate data such as relatively static Web pages, specific items of output data, stored procedure parameters, and query results. 缓存适当的数据,如静态页面,输出数据的某些特定项,存储过程的参数以及查询结果等。
If my boss didn't tell how to modify specific items, I should use experience as my reference. 如果上司不告诉我怎么修改具体项,我应该凭经验修改。
Project node: contains the specific items in the project, such as files and folders. “项目”节点:包含项目中的特定项,如文件和文件夹。
Scope of specific items and uses for government-set or guided prices shall depend on the price catalogs issued by the central and local governments. 政府指导价、政府定价的定价权限和具体适用范围,以中央的和地方的定价目录为依据。
In this paper the selection of evaluation methods for service function, the variety of evaluation indicator system of eco-hydrology engineering system and the composition condition of specific items of evaluation indicator system are mainly discussed from the comprehension of the meaning of eco-service function. 摘要本文从了解生态服务功能的内涵出发,主要讨论对生态水利工程系统的服务功能的评价方法的选择、评价指标体系的种类以及评价指标体系的具体项目组成情况。
Specific items in the detailed cost estimate become job cost elements. 详细成本估算中的具体项次成为工作成本要素。
In terms of the specific items in quotas, especially those that are required to be applied mechanically, they can persuade Party A, supervision parities, audit departments, etc. 对定额中的子目,特别是应该套用的相应高的,能够说服甲方、监理方、审计等部门的能力;
Based on the filed application, the People's Bank of China may exempt the commercial banks from certain specific items of the above-mentioned conditions. 根据商业银行的申请,中国人民银行可以豁免前款所规定的个别条件。
In the following sections, each general type of psionic item, such as armor or psionic tattoos, gets an overall description, followed by descriptions of specific items. 以下部分将先概括描述灵能物品的一般类型,例如防具或灵纹,再对具体物品做描述。
Knowledge structures allow us to access specific items of knowledge efficiently. 知识结构使我们能有效的访问特定的知识项目。
In analysis changing process some difficulties, in union specific items processing changing process difficulty. 分析了转换过程中一些难点的成因,结合具体项目处理转换过程中的难点。